Take the Peel Plunge in 2017

Chemical Peels

If you have never tried a chemical peel before, perhaps 2017 is the year for you to get “peel savvy.” New Visage is the perfect choice for your first experience in chemical peel treatments, since we offer a wide range of procedures that can be tailored to your specific concerns and desired results. Before you…

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Choosing the Right Laser Treatment for You

Laser Treatments

Laser treatments are an effective way to rejuvenate the skin and minimize a host of imperfections today. These procedures come in an array of different types, allowing providers to customize treatment to the specific needs of each patient. How do you know which laser will work best on your specific skin type and tone? The…

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Sculpt Your Dream Figure with CoolSculpting


If you rang in 2017 less than satisfied with your appearance, maybe this is the year to do something about it. Body contouring treatments help you say goodbye to stubborn areas of fat that won’t respond to your weight loss efforts. Eliminating these isolated bulges can help you achieve the sleeker body contour you are…

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