Men are Doing More Injectables… How they Benefit from MedSpa Services

If you were to ask most people to imagine the clientele at a medspa, they will likely say that the clientele are primarily women. It is no secret that female clients have dominated the medspa scene over the years. Given the fact that our society places a high priority on female beauty, the services offered tend to seem more focused on issues that women may face.

However, in recent years, the stigma around medspa services is changing. We are proud to say that both women and men can benefit from the medspa offerings at New Visage. So if you are wondering how men benefit from medspa services, then you have come to the right place.

Injectables Can Improve Self Esteem

Although we often discuss facial procedures in terms of how they can benefit women, the truth is that dermal fillers and injectables are just as useful for men. Fillers are perfect for removing that sunken look around the eyes or the hollowness in the cheeks. Improving these areas can bring back the youthful vigor you had in your prime.

Chemical Peels Can Increase Success At Work

Have you been holding back in the office because of acne scars or fine lines on your face? Chemical peels remove the outer skin layers, leaving refreshed, smooth skin behind. So whether you have acne scars, rosacea, uneven skin tone, or a wide variety of other concerns, a chemical peel may be able to help. Imagine the confidence you will feel, walking into your next meeting without worrying that clients or coworkers are distracted by problem areas on your face. With this newfound enthusiasm and purpose, you may find yourself approaching negotiations with greater confidence and experiencing a heightened level of professional success.

MedSpa Services Can Create A More Memorable Appearance

With the wide variety of medspa offerings at New Visage, men and women alike can feel comfortable unearthing the appearance that has been lying underneath surface imperfections all along. There is no reason for medspa services to be reserved for women, and it is time to break down the stigma surrounding procedures that can enhance anyone’s appearance.

If you or the man in your life could benefit from one of our many offerings, the team at New Visage can help. We have assisted clients in the Jacksonville and Morehead City area. So when you are ready to take a step into a more confident future, do not hesitate to contact us.