Have a Beautiful Summer with Cellfina

Summer is the time when you can get outdoors and enjoy the warmer weather and sunshine. For those of us dealing with unsightly cellulite, the summer season can also be wrought with anxiety about revealing those cottage cheese thighs that have been safely hiding under winter clothing. If you are worried about how to spend a day at the beach without letting your cellulite show, perhaps it is time to consider a cosmetic treatment to get rid of that cottage cheese for good.

Cellulite and Topical Treatments
Cellulite is a common concern for women, as evidenced by the shelves of topical treatments at your local retailer promising to smooth away those dimples with a simple application. Topical treatments come in a bevy of formulations, all promising to give you a more attractive look. However, the results from topical treatments are fleeting at best. You may rub your product on before heading to the beach in the morning, only to discover your dimpling has reappeared by the time lunch rolls around.

The Lowdown on Cellulite

The reason topical cellulite treatments are ineffective is because they don’t get to the root cause of the cellulite. Cellulite doesn’t form on the skin’s surface, it is a condition that begins deep within the underlying structure of the skin. Connective tissue in this underlying layer starts the process by constricting, leading to the dimpled appearance on the skin’s surface.

As the fibrous bands pull the skin inward, fat cells push up between the bands to produce a more prominent appearance to the dimpling. As the skin ages, it also thins, making the cellulite appearance even more apparent. The cosmetic embarrassment of cellulite becomes most acute at this stage, prompting many women to try to hide their cellulite under clothing for lack of a better solution.

Treatment that Works
The good news is you don’t have to hide your cellulite under clothing this summer. Now, there is a way to treat cellulite at the source, for superior, long-lasting results. A procedure known as Cellfina addresses cellulite underneath the skin’s surface, releasing the fibrous bands to eliminate the dimpling and create a smoother look to the skin.

Cellfina uses a process known as subcision, which has been used in the past to treat some types of scarring. This procedure inserts a small needle underneath the skins surface, where it can cut the fibrous band and release the tissue. This procedure is much less invasive than surgical procedures that require incisions to access the area beneath the skin’s surface. Unlike surgery, subcision does not involve large incisions, which means no visible scarring after the procedure, greater comfort for the patient and little to no downtime.

New Visage began offering Cellfina to our patients because we wanted to give Morehead City residents an effective method of cellulite treatment that promises long-lasting results. Cellfina moves beyond the topical solutions that promise much but deliver little. This procedure addresses cellulite at its source, to give patients the kind of results that will increase their self-confidence, especially in the skin-baring summer season.

Cellfina is performed in our office on an outpatient basis using local anesthesia. Patients experience little or no discomfort during treatment and can usually return to regular activities the next day. The treatment area may be slightly bruised and tender immediately following the procedure, but these side effects usually subside within a matter of days. The results of your treatment will become evident in the days following and may be permanent for some patient.

Don’t hide your legs this summer. Instead, treat your cellulite with one of the only effective cellulite treatments available today, Cellfina. To learn more, contact New Visage at 252-808-2NEW.