Baby Foot

babyFootLogoBaby Foot is an innovative exfoliating system for the feet, designed to restore softness to the skin by removing layers of dead, dry cells. The single treatment takes just one hour to complete, and most users will experience full exfoliation benefits within 2-3 weeks. The treatment can be performed at home, using easy-to-use supplies included in the foot care kit.


How to Use Baby Foot
There are three basic steps to the Baby Foot system:

  • Place the plastic booties over the feet and secure with tape included in the kit
  • Leave the booties in place for one full hour
  • Rinse the feet well to wash the gel away

The booties contain an exfoliating and moisturizing gel featuring 17 natural extracts. The primary active ingredient is alpha hydroxy acid (AHA), which is an acid found in fruit. AHA works with the other natural extracts in the Baby Foot solution to break down adhesive cell structures that hold the layers of skin cells together, so that outer layers can peel away.


Making the Most of the System
Most clients will see results of Baby Foot within 3-7 days, as the outer skin cells begin to peel away from the foot. The process is virtually painless and there is no damage to surrounding skin or tissue. In some cases, it may take up to 14 days for the peeling process to begin, particularly if there are many layers of cells to remove.

To make the most of the Baby Foot system, you can consider adding the following steps to the process:

  • Soak feet before applying to soften skin and make it more receptive to treatment
  • Wear socks over booties during treatment, since heat enhances results
  • Soak feet daily after treatment to accelerate the peeling process
  • Repeat Baby Foot treatments periodically to maintain positive results

Baby Foot is a revolutionary treatment that produces smoother, softer feet without files or razors. The treatment is easy to perform at home at a time that is convenient for you. Baby Foot kits are now available for purchase to New Visage clients. To learn more, contact New Visage at 252-808-2NEW.