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Chemical Peels

Bye-Bye Wrinkles: 4 Wrinkle Reduction Options

Fine lines and wrinkles begin to make an appearance long before we are ready to accept the advancing years. Now, there are plenty of ways to keep those facial creases at bay with procedures that require very little discomfort and downtime. At New Visage, we offer a number of effective age-reversing treatments that allow us to customize your procedure to your specific needs and desired results.

Injectable Treatments
Botox and dermal fillers are a quick, effective way to smooth away select facial lines and restore youthful volume to areas like the cheeks and lips. The staff at New Visage offers Botox to treat wrinkles that appear on the forehead, between the eyebrows and around the outer corners of the eyes. A variety of dermal fillers are also available to minimize the appearance of wrinkles in the lower half of the face and to create a natural, more youthful facial profile.

Chemical Peels
In addition to reducing the appearance of wrinkles, chemical peels provide full exfoliation benefits to refresh and rejuvenate your complexion. We offer both light and medium chemical peel options at New Visage, depending on the amount of age reversal you want. Medium peels tend to reveal more dramatic results, but there is a recovery period after the procedure to allow the skin time to heal. Lighter peels refresh the skin and can be repeated regularly to maintain positive results.

Fractional Laser Resurfacing
Fractional laser resurfacing offers full skin rejuvenation like a chemical peel, but the nature of this procedure allows us to address more severe signs of aging and other skin concerns like pigmentation and scarring. This procedure causes tiny wounds deep inside the skin, triggering the body’s own healing response. As more collagen and elastin are produced, the skin naturally reverts to a more youthful look with long-lasting results.

DermaPen Micro-needling
DermaPen micro-needling is a relatively new addition to the New Visage menu, offering patients yet another option in anti-aging and skin rejuvenation. This procedure uses a handheld device that resembles a pen and features fine needles on one end. As the device is moved across the skin, tiny puncture marks are made that trigger the body’s healing response and the production of collagen. Over time, this procedure results in smoother, softer skin, fewer fine lines and wrinkles and an enhanced appearance overall.

You don’t have to accept those telltale signs of aging appearing on your face and other areas. With many minimally-invasive treatments now available to eliminate lines and wrinkles, you can turn back the clock without a major crimp in your daily routine. To learn more, contact the staff at New Visage at 252-808-2NEW.